Jiawei Hao


I'm a senior at University of Michigan studying Computer Science and Data Science. I am looking for new grad software engineering, system engineering, and full-stack development jobs.


B.S. in Data Science, minor in Math

2020 - 2024

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Professional Experience

Software Engineer Intern

05/2023 - 08/2023

Walmart Labs, Sunnyvale, CA

  • Designed and executed multiple high-performance Golang APIs for data retrieval from the database. Leveraged caching mechanisms to reduce data retrieval time by 30%, resulting in faster graph generation on the frontend.
  • Integrated the frontend UI using React Bootstrap framework. Improved code quality by making codes modular, classless, and reduced total line of codes by 70%.

Software Engineer Intern

05/2022 - 08/2022

Walmart Labs, Reston, VA

  • Implemented several Java API to capture hardware data for Walmart stores. Logged hardware data onto Splunk dashboard to monitor device malfunctions.
  • Identified and reported errors, enhancing system reliability via Splunk Dashboard, resulting in loss prevention.


Latexify, Google Open-Source Project | Python

  • Purposed improvements for Latex operator transformation. Added new AST transformers to support more Latex visualization; implemented using AST library.
  • Enhanced code quality through rigorous unit testing and discussions with the project maintainer.

Pager | C++

  • Designed and implemented a memory manager pager for the operating system kernel, optimizing virtual address space management and resource allocation. Collaborated with application processes through system calls and fault handling to provide efficient memory management and address space abstraction.

Thread Library | C++

  • Implemented a fully functional thread library using C++ that works on multiple CPUs, including classes such as thread, mutex, condition variable, semaphore, latch, and barrier. The scheduling policy is FIFO.

Video Streaming via CDN | C++

  • Implemented miProxy, a dynamic HTTP proxy server in C++, enabling adaptive video bitrate selection and efficient handling of multiple concurrent connections.
  • Developed nameserver with round-robin and geographic distance-based load balancing for a simplified CDN, optimizing server selection for clients based on proximity and network topology.

Search Engine, Full-Stack | Python, React JS

  • Created a segmented inverted index of web pages using a pipeline of MapReduce programs, compatible with Hadoop Streaming Interface.
  • Built an Index server, a REST API app that returns search results in JSON format. Built a Search server, a user interface that returns search results like Google or Bing.

Mini Instagram, Full-Stack | Python, Flask

  • Leveraged Flask library to develop a dynamic, client-side web application inspired by Instagram.
  • Hosted the server with AWS EC2 to enable public access and improve application performance.

Sentiment Classification, Machine Learning | Python

  • Used Numpy and Pandas library to train a linear classifier with linear kernel SVM and optimized validation accuracy through the application of feature engineering methods including stemming, N-grams, and nltk.



+1 917-669-3313